Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Picture Entry! (Second Half, Part II)

Alright, Part Two of the Second Half, aka final thoughts and reflections, and pictures.

ONE.  If you didn’t know or think it already, the Philippines is a GORGEOUS country.  And that's my assessment based on the few places I saw, following the worst disaster the country has ever experienced, and in the middle of the rainy season. But you be the judge.  

TWO.  If you didn’t know or think it already, the Filipino are a BEAUTIFUL people.  Haha, before any of you twist that to mean something I didn’t, let me add that ALL nations are beautiful people (good save Wes, self high five!).  But I’m constantly reminded of the mental strength and character of the Filipinos I met, and there’s an undeniable beauty there.  

As I scroll through these pictures, the people are smiling, in all of them.  It’s a simple gesture, but one that is sometimes hard to do when things aren’t going well.  Well, these people are come from areas that suffered damage at the hands of Haiyan and definitely have due cause not to smile, but they still do in spite of all that.  Uplifting, no?

While we’re talking about great characteristics of the Filipino people, the handwritten letter pictured next was given to me by a Filipino lady that I didn’t recognize, and almost assuredly, that I hadn’t met before.  Yet, she proceeded to give a copy to every team member in our office.  I'm not sure if you can read it, but it's simply a letter of thanks, on behalf of herself and the Filipino people.  

She uses words like 'beloved, thanks, grateful, caring, inspiring' to describe those of us who came to help.  Funny, because I think I’ve used those same words to describe the Filipino people.  

Next, we’ve got 90% of the WASH team in I think our one and only photo together.  Missing are Tyrone, who I mentioned two blog posts ago, and Stephen, who’s standing in the middle right of the last collage above.

In the picture, from left to right, we have Marc, Sylvan, John, Julie, Raymond, Glaiza, myself, Angelica, Moises, Neah, Gary, Rina, Chrischee, and Gavin.  They’re all smiles here, but this group 
     a) works tirelessly day in and day out; 
     b) doesn’t complain or ask for much, regardless of the tasks we ask of them; 
     c) were all affected by the storm to varying degrees themselves, though you’d never know by their cheerful demeanours.

The four girls and Sylvan make up the hygiene team, while the four boys and Rina make up the engineering team, and Moises and Tyrone are our awesome (seriously not kidding) drivers!   Gary was the smarter half of Team eMi, and then Gavin and Stephen are with SP and should be there for at least the next 3-6 months to help develop both the water and hygiene programs as well as continue to train our young but talented team.  I could write much much more about all these wonderful people, but I've already long passed my word limit.

We passed by the gate below with the nicely paved driveway; it's the back entrance to a golf course, which is a beautifully designed and well-kept piece of land. I naïvely asked our driver how many Filipinos play golf to which he hesitated, then answered, “…maybe the rich people?”  He didn’t know who plays golf, because this affluent sport is just a foreign concept to him, and probably many of the Filipino population.  

Driving past the gate, we continued probably less than 200m across a narrow bridge and up a beat up road to Caminishay, one of the villages where we distributed hygiene kits.  The village is poor, which is why it was identified for distributions; it doesn’t even have a communal space like some of the other poorer villages have.  The stark contrast between the upscale golf course and the poor village beside it, separated by a fancy padlocked gate reminds me a lot of what is wrong in our world.  Like Canada, the United States, and most everywhere in the world, there is also an immense gap in the Philippines between the upper and lower classes that only continues to widen.  Not to make a political statement here as my Filipino history is next to none, but each of us has the responsibility to care and support those living on the margins which, in developing nations, can account for a significant portion of the population. 

It's no easy task to stand against the tide of worldly ambitions and expectations, but would we be willing to open the gates in our lives? Whatever that could be: mentally, symbolically or even physically.  Oh, that each of us would strive, as Micah famously wrote, 'to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly.'  

Deep breath. LAST picture. Disclaimer: I didn’t take it and I don’t know the story behind it (though I do know the people in it).  Regardless, it reminds me of a few verses in Thessalonians that commands us to, ‘encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone, rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.’  A tough list to follow, but it can be done.  I know, because I’ve seen it. The Filipino people showed me.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Picture Entry! (Second Half, Part I)

That's no typo, this is part one of the second half.  Naturally to be followed by part two of the second half tomorrow.  Yes, it's because while I did ok in school at writing descriptively, I never did grasp the concept of writing succinctly...

SO, let’s start with Christmas Trees. The Filipino people LOVE Christmas, and as you can see, they’ll ingeniously use whatever they have available to make and decorate the trees!  That Christmas came a mere 6 weeks following the typhoon, these trees symbolize to me the resilience of the Filipino people to fight through hardship and maintain what matters.

The next 10 or so pictures will be of the WASH team’s activities.  I spent the majority of my time on water and hygiene related work, so not surprisingly, most of the pictures I took reflect that.  Feel free to skip over any nerd speak that doesn’t get filtered out of the following…

Our WASH technical team is composed of three local civil engineering students in their final semester, and two of their recently graduated classmates.  We also were lucky enough to have the expertise of one of the civil engineering professors who worked as our warehouse crew manager while the university was out of session due to the damage from the storm.

The first picture is a bunch of big balloon like shapes.  These are water bladders which contain 10,000L each (equivalent to about 500 Jerry Cans, or 2,500 jugs of milk).  We can pack one of these systems with tap stands, hoses, and all tools into a crate less than a 1m3 so they’re the simplest and fastest method to provide temporary water points in emergency situations. Each day, or twice a day if required, a water truck will come and fill up the bladders with clean water that can then be accessed throughout the day as required by the community.  We have three bladders remaining in use now which the Catholic Relief Service is filling on our behalf.  These bladders allow the actual treatment of water to happen in one central location and then be distributed to wherever the need is.  

That’s Marc in the top left, one of our engineering interns, testing the quality of water in the bladder.  I mentioned him in a previous blog as, unbeknownst to us prior, he’s also the worship leader for one of the churches that we attended.  His home was also destroyed in the storm and he currently lives at with his aunt’s family along with a third family in a small three bedroom house.  Yes, that’s one family per room, and a lot of people sharing what little common areas they have, for nearly three months and they don't have plans to begin rebuilding yet.

He smiles and casually shrugs his shoulders when I ask him about his living conditions, which I know are difficult.  Yet, I don’t know that I ever heard him utter a complaint, or say anything negative, in all the time that we worked together.

Next, is the Living Water Treatment System which treats water right at the point of use, thus allowing them to be placed anywhere with a nearby source of water such as a well, or stream, etc (the middle right picture is one of the wells that people would otherwise have to pull their water from).     

We have 10 of the systems operating right now, each serving a different community in and around Tacloban.  They are quite compact and simple to run, so once we set one up and train one of the local community members to operate it, someone from our team just comes back on a weekly basis to ensure that the systems are running properly and that the water continues to be properly disinfected.

These systems have been designed and are supplied as needed across the world by Water Missions International, a far reaching ministry and critical partner in SP’s response effort.  While we’re planning to transition the water bladders out within a week or two, these WMI treatment systems may be used for a number of months ahead while the municipal water systems continue to be repaired, or in some areas, while we work on more permanent solutions as described below.

Something that always never fails to impress me in developing countries is the resourcefulness of the people to use the limited materials they have to meet their needs.   Case in point, I have never seen this used elsewhere, but using a simple length of pipe with a simple weld-hinged flap and a lot of brute strength (which the Filipino people have convinced me they have no shortage of *), a three man crew can drill a 30' well, complete with 4” casing and concrete cap in as little as a single day!  It’s this impressive method that has allowed us to drill six wells and counting in areas that don’t have existing water points.  Most of these areas are new places that people have resettled after losing their homes in the typhoon which is why there were no existing water sources. 

*Sidenote: Filipinos may not be tall, but they all have the same lean yet muscular physique.  It’s no wonder anymore why Manny Pacquiao is the best pound for pound fighter in the world!   

The photos here show some of the locations that we have now installed wells at, as well as our team developing the wells for use following the completion of the digging.  Due to the high water table in the region, these shallow wells by themselves are not safe to drink.  The plan is to provide a tank for which the water can be pumped into after passing through a simple chlorinator which will disinfect the water of bacterial and viral waterborne diseases. 

The following photo shows the process of how another three man crew impressively builds a raised concrete stand for a 5000 litre tank that, at least mathematically, meets the CANADIAN Building Code (I checked!).  They dig the holes, build the forms, bend the rebar, and with some borrowed labour, mix and finish their own concrete by hand.  No machinery or electric tools here.  I want to ask my trained carpenter crew at work how they would fare with the same tools, or lack thereof.

Next is the hygiene component of our WASH program.  Our Hygiene team has two teachers and three nurses, which has proved to be a great combination of teaching and presentation skills, along with the more technical knowledge of the various diseases resulting from lack of proper sanitation.

The program is twofold, with the team developing a culturally relevant hygiene awareness program to teach in communities and schools.  The second is the distribution of hygiene kits, which contain various items necessary to maintain proper hygiene.  

The top middle picture is a list of the items that should be included in each kit as agreed upon between all of the NGO’s operating around Tacloban.  The two top left photos are the municipal records, which help us identify communities which are in greatest need of these kits.  The top left photo is the voucher that we print and hand out to each kit recipient prior to the actual distribution.  The other pictures are some of the stockpiled supplies in the Oriental warehouse, and our multi-purpose distribution truck, nicknamed “The Ark”, maybe appropriate due to its size.

The next four sets of pictures show four of the hygiene presentations and distributions that the team completed.  They were all different but always interesting, especially with the regular heavy rains and the general lack of sheltered areas.  Distributions ranged from less than 100, to over 700 kits each time, which also posed some logistical challenges as you can imagine.

The first distribution was a village called Caminishay.  The village had no common area to work with so we took up the entire narrow three way intersection in front of their small two room community building.  It was my first taste of our hygiene team in action and I was SO impressed by their presentation!

The next distribution in Santa Elena had the least damaged roof I’d seen in almost all of Tacloban and it’s amazing how much easier things seem to flow when you're not battling the weather.  

The third distribution was a large 750+ distribution to Cabalowan, scheduled for the afternoon on the same day.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, this was probably our most challenging occasion as the whole community arrived early to line up for the distribution; there was maybe 50% roof remaining overtop that really didn’t do much to block the heavy rains; our team had gone ahead to set up in advance but both truck drivers got lost on their way to meet us; and then once stopped, the Ark truck wouldn’t start, effectively blocking all other vehicles on the only road into the village.  What a beautiful sight when the court emptied out after everyone had received their supplies several hours later! 

Finally, the fourth distribution, a community inside the city of Tacloban, again had no large public space to hold the distribution so again, out everyone waited in the rain.  Big credit to the community for forming organized lines, but made it difficult for the hygiene presenters to get their message across, even with a second presentation to catch those at the back.

Just as Gary, my very soaked-to-the-bone eMi teammate and normally an Ohio University professor, emphatically said to me as we unloaded trucks in the pouring rain, “it doesn't get any better than this!”  I wholeheartedly concur with that statement.  

Whew… I knew I’d have plenty to say about the WASH Programs! I'm done with them now though so I'll stop here, and continue with part two of the second half tomorrow.  Thanks, again, for reading.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Picture Entry! (First Half)

I had a really difficult time narrowing down the photos AND probably spent as much time reminiscing on each picture as actually putting them together. 

In any case, here’s my relatively best effort to present them in a somewhat organized order in a reasonably timely manner.  Some of these photos are from others on my team, so know that my limited camera phone and I probably aren’t responsible for the better of the photos here.  I’ve added brief(ish) descriptions below each collage of photos to help explain the story behind them. 

Hope you enjoy, and can get a better feel for the Philippines through the images below.

Edit: I’ll split the pictures into two blog entries because of the number of pictures (and wordiness of my descriptions…).

The first five groups are various pictures around Tacloban of the path of destruction left behind from the typhoon.  If you followed the news broadcasts as the storm occurred, many of the images may look familiar.  I’m including them though as this is the reality for many of the people and places in the pictures following.

The most common type of roof structure I saw in the Philippines was a simple steel support structure with thin sheets of corrugated galvanised iron (CGI for short).   As you can see in the photos, not only did the metal sheets not sustain the high winds, but the steel roof structures often were torn apart as well.  It seems that on building after building, from small houses to large government offices, to a near brand new convention centre, each roof was just ravaged beyond repair.

These next two collages are of the area immediately north of downtown Tacloban, situated right along the ocean side.  This area was among the worst of the worst hit, as the storm surge, which many Filipino’s say raised the ocean level by one and a half stories, would have completely submerged much of the original buildings here.  

Even worse for the people who lived here, the Filipino government has implemented a new law aimed at limiting the loss of life and property in future occurrences that states that no new development is allowed within 40m of the shoreline.  Essentially, the land which these people live on is no longer inhabitable.  

Tyrone, one of our WASH team’s drivers, is one of those affected by the new law.  Nearly three months after the storm, he still lives in a tent with his family, unsure of where he will be able to settle and rebuild.  I really wish I had a photo of the ever cheerful Tyrone (despite everything he has and continues to endure), but he was out running errands when we were grabbing a couple team photos on my final morning.

The last set shows four ships that the ocean picked up and dropped at varying distances inland.  They must have destroyed any buildings in their path, and now rest in the middle of bunches of makeshift tents and structures.  When I was there, there were multiple people staring down from the ship’s decks and it wouldn’t surprise me if a number of families have made their temporary residences inside.  

I’ve been told that an Israeli company has agreed to buy the ships for scrap metal and will begin the not insignificant process of dismantling these giant wrecks into transportable pieces.

The next pictures were pulled from the website of the formerly luxuriously grand Oriental Hotel & Resort.  The second group shows the stark contrast of what now remains after the typhoon.  Often times, there is much good from bad, and while the hotel is out of operation, the property now serves as our warehouse which holds the majority of our non-food inventory, and where at least 50 workers each day work with our logistics team to prepare and assemble hygiene and shelter kits for distribution.  

I don’t have an exact numbers but I would expect that at least 20,000 kits of some form have been prepared here and been distributed in the communities.  The Oriental, as we affectionately call it, has survived to serve the Filipino people well.

The next bunch of photos will run through the various programs that Samaritan’s Purse is involved in.  Unfortunately, it is disproportionately focused on the WASH activities as I had limited photos of the other programs.

We begin with the Medical program, consisting of the largest team of expat staff and definitely the most highly trained bunch of us all!  The team set up base at the local Schisto Hospital and also conducted many mobile medical trips to more remote communities around Tacloban.  You can see what remained of a few of the medical rooms, so the SP team set up a tent structure in which the medical team continues to work out of.

Next is the food team, which distributes food on behalf of the World Food Program along with many of the other large NGO’s serving in the affected areas.  While I was there, I believe these teams were averaging 100 tons of food a day, distributed to community members.  They were also commended by the WFP as having one of the most successful distribution systems, a very deserving commendation to a proficient team providing some invaluable assistance.

The shelter team has the incredible challenge of providing a lofty 10,000 permanent shelters to families who have lost their homes. The typhoon knocked down an incredible number of coconut trees and while they are now useless to the coconut farmers, these trees are a plentiful source of material for which to rebuild homes.  As such, the shelter team has 30 sawyers (with plans to double that) on chainsaws, and several industrial portable sawmills to cut the lumber required to build 10,000 homes.  

As one of the logisticians commented, this team has by far the most logistically challenging task.  What they’ve managed to set in motion in the first two months has been nothing short of extraordinary.

We also have a nutrition team which is doing great work over probably the largest area compared to the other teams.  But because they were always out and about, I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to capture any of their work in action.  And not to overlook the dedicated base team consisting of security, human resources, purchasing, accounting, and team leads which will also regretfully remain faceless (as in I don’t have any [flattering] pictures of them).  Just like the heart works, this group manages the big and small details that keep each program running and focused on their specific functions.

Now a couple brief pictures of other opportunities where SP was able to bless others.  The first is a local pastor showing the remains of his church’s Bibles and other books following the storm.  SP was able to provide the very appreciative pastor with a number of boxes of new Bibles and books to help replace those destroyed.  

Next, I think you may have participated in Operation Christmas Child by filling one of their distinctive red and green shoeboxes before.  A good number of them were sent to the Philippines this year to be given to children, many who had maybe lost any toys that they’d owned to the storm.  

A cool story that one Canadian doctor, from Victoria, BC, shared with me (not to mention the fact that I am so very humbled by his genuine servant attitude and refreshingly grounded approach to life. But I digress…) So, he was assisting with the distribution of the OCC shoeboxes in one of the affected areas.  This particular shipment had come from Canada, and when one of the girls opened her box, there was a picture and message inside from the family that had sent the box.  In short, the doctor got a picture of the girl with her box, and sent it to his wife back in Canada who was able to search up the family in Ontario and send a picture of their box’s recipient to them.  Too. Cool.

Moral of the story, include a picture and message in your OCC Shoebox next year! http://www.samaritanspurse.ca/rss/operation-christmas-child/get-involved/operation-christmas-child-packing-your-shoe-boxes.aspx

I’ll end off here for now, and pick up tomorrow with the work that the WASH team is doing. Thanks for reading! And if you've got a good way to put pictures together in a more artistic manner, please teach me too!