Sunday, January 12, 2014

Above the storm

Sunday evening here, and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t stopped raining in the past couple days with nothing but lots more rain forecast for the week.  I believe there is a large storm on the next island and while Tacloban won’t experience the high winds thankfully, the substantial rainfall is a result of the proximity to the storm. 

As I was staring out from the second story of a half damaged church building this morning, I was reminded of the three days of rain we received in Chetwynd a couple of summers back that resulted in widespread flooding and multiple washouts of the main highway and bridges through Northeastern BC.  Likewise, we had several days of rain in Fort McMurray at the beginning of this past summer that resulted in the Mayor declaring a state of emergency, also due to flooding.   And while I know circumstances are different and the Philippines is accustomed to large amounts of precipitation, it’s still an interesting contrast to see how our “First World” infrastructure sizes up against that of a somewhat less affluent country.  It is still miserably wet (and this is coming from a Vancouverite!), but nothing close to a state of emergency here.

Anyway, this is already my second Sunday here.  Last week, our team held a great time of worship and fellowship with many very pertinent and challenging reminders.  One of the medical team doctors led us in the song, Still, by Hillsong.  Personally, this song conjures up great memories for me as it was sung by the local Nicaraguan church as a departing gift to our Kingston fellowship team on my first ever missions trip back in 2006.  It’s a beautiful song and you should have a listen if you don’t know it, but the lyrics resonated with me as being especially poignant and appropriate to the situation here in Tacloban.  Here are the song lyrics, which I just feel so accurately embody the hope, faith and peace I've witnessed of the Filipino people. 

Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

Loog, still a beautiful and serene place after the typhoon.